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Official hotel site

+7 (495) 234-12-06 (reservation)

+7 (495) 234-31-78 (reservation)

+7 (495) 234-10-00 (call-center)

8 800 333 00 03 (call free in Russia)

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Home Hotel Payment methods

Payment methods

Book a room without a prepayment
Book a room and pay only on arrival! Reservation without payment is an easy and quick way to make a... More
Book a room with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard)
Payment by credit card is a rather modern type of payment that has already become... More
Book a room with electronic money (Yandex.Money and Webmoney)
Electronic payment with Yandex.Money or Webmoney is an instant and safe method to book a room. To... More
Book a room with a bank transfer (for legal persons)
Non-cash payment is assigned specially for legal entities. Take the advantage of this method of... More
Book a room with a bank transfer (for individuals)
When you chose that method of payment you obtain not only the guaranteed reservation but also a... More
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